quote:...Oh Annki hope your shit's are better. Well, I have a feeling you'll probably tell us about them when you get back anyway!..
Not much shit to talk about. Seems like the "Playground" became a "huntingground"... ....and yes! King Kula I think you need a hug! I could come over and give you one. On the other hand, you are so far away...
Hugs to you also, Nell.....
Oh, almost forgot HatrossRig Happy 21 years birthday! ......Better late than never. Hmmm, you're just 1 year older than my oldest daughter!
quote:Originally posted by MadMeg: Welcome back, Annki! It's been pretty quiet without you.
Thank you Megan! Quiet in here? Nice of you to write that, but no way it has been quiet on The VVF board, have a lot of catching up to do here. Glad to see a Voivod board that is really alive and kicking.........
posted October 27, 2003 11:59
Thank you Nell and Maldoror. Oh, Nell I read your post in the "Voivodfan mp3 backup site", thought it was funny so I quoted some of it. (As far as I know that topic is closed so I would not post it there).
Everything is just fine here andwe also got some snow up here.....I like snow, but sometimes it can be "evil" ..... .!