I've just never liked Mr. Scary Tomatohead Guy much. He reminds me too much of the cacodaemons in "Doom". He is effective, though...one look at his face and you know the meaning of "phobos".
And this reminded me that there are some alternative album covers.
posted May 11, 2006 16:50
I dunno why that is also. My guess is that some people want to have all releases, that would mean more income. I think that counts for bands who sell a lot of albums like Metallica for instance. Not Voivod that is, if i remember correctly Phobos sold about 3,500 copies in the U.S. Not a reason to bring out different versions. I wish i had all those copies, i have only mister toato head...
trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr ta trrrrr
posted May 11, 2006 18:44
the cool alien symbol is from the advanced promo cd. i don't believe it was an official release for retail sales. I have the official release and the promo release but not the jap pressing