posted May 20, 2009 23:04
Hey Luna, Can I be your brother also!!! Great gift for sure!!! Now I'll expect Slug and Hypergrrl to get Luna something extra special on her next B-day... like front row, back stage all access, and transportation to a Voivod show. That would still probably be cheaper than an open bar for the evening!!!
posted May 30, 2009 11:50
Saw Away's book yesterday at our rehearsal...AMAZING!!! just AMAZING!!!
Very very cool, I think there are over 500 images many of which I have never seen before. I don't want to say too much about it, but I can't wait to have my own copy. It is nice quality and it is coffee table format, pretty big. YES!
quote:Originally posted by newclear infusion: Well the payment showed up on my CC yesterday, I checked the book site and 'my account', status only says invoiced...
Same here...
A star - even if extinct thousands of years ago - still sends his light through the universe